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About Christine Doblar

Thank you Deepak

Contact Information

Name: Christine Doblar
Mobile: (408) 489-7032
Work: (408) 444-1177
Location: San Jose

Other Places I Teach

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Perfect Balance Physical Therapy

4820 Harwood Road, St 105
San JoseView On Map

You aren't broken, but chances are, you may certainly be out of balance. Christine Doblar, PT & Certified Chopra Instructor can help you determine your individual body mind type, the state of balance, toxicity or dysfunction in your body. At Perfect Balance Physical Therapy we will be providing guidance toward activities that will help you restore your balance, improve your vitality and prevent illnesses. Come to Perfect Balance Physical Therapy to learn about your mind body system, Ayurveda traditions and the simple lifestyle choices that can improve your health and help you thrive, not just survive. Learn how to protect your health and provide it the recovery that it requires regularly in order to feel terrific and truly be well in a mind & body  kind of way. Learn to assess yourself and find your Perfect Balance on the regular.

Beyond diagnosis. Beyond surgery. Beyond pills. Everything you have done to this point, including seeing other physical therapists, may have only labeled your pain, medicated it, or provided short-term or incomplete relief. How about we start with a conversation and evaluation? Often within the first visit you’ll experience restored tone, balanced movement, pain relief and, most importantly, understanding. You will be able to start living life on your terms, again! A practical body action plan to rediscover the vital you. You will learn how to take care of your body and its unique needs. You will discover how to harness and facilitate the natural healing power of your own body. Leave pain and limitations behind—take back control over your body and your health. You’ve Got This! Congratulations on researching and taking the first step to reclaim your health and vitality.You are not alone on this journey. Thank you for trusting me.


Christine ;)

I am certified in:

Chopra Meditation
Total Well-being Coach
Vedic Educators
Chopra Health/Ayurveda
Chopra Yoga

Chopra Events Attended:

Well Within
Thank you Deepak